C Tutorial/Data Type/float Calculation

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Division with float values

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 float plank_length = 10.0f;    
 float piece_count = 4.0f;      
 float piece_length = 0.0f;     
 piece_length = plank_length/piece_count;
 printf("A plank %f feet long can be cut into %f pieces %f feet long.",
                                      plank_length, piece_count, piece_length);
 return 0;


A plank 10.000000 feet long can be cut into 4.000000 pieces 2.500000 feet long.

Do a calculation on float number

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h>

  1. include <stdlib.h>

int main() {

   float height_in_cm;
   char height_in_inches[4];

   printf("Enter your height in inches:");
   height_in_cm = atoi(height_in_inches) * 2.54;
   printf("You are %.2f centimeters tall.\n",height_in_cm);


Enter your height in inches:1
      You are 2.54 centimeters tall.

Read float number and do a calculation

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 float radius = 0.0f;              
 float diameter = 0.0f;            
 float circumference = 0.0f;       
 float area = 0.0f;                
 float Pi = 3.14159265f;
 printf("Input the diameter of the table:");
 scanf("%f", &diameter);           
 radius = diameter/2.0f;           
 circumference = 2.0f*Pi*radius;   
 area = Pi*radius*radius;          
 printf("\nThe circumference is %.2f", circumference);
 printf("\nThe area is %.2f\n", area);
 return 0;


Input the diameter of the table:123
     The circumference is 386.42
     The area is 11882.29