C Tutorial/Array/Array Pointer

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Accessing an array using pointers

The array name is the pointer constant.

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> main(){

   int a[5];
   int i;
   for(i = 0;i<5;i++){
   int *b;  
   for(i = 0;i<5;i++){
       printf("value in array %d and address is %16lu\n",*b,b);


value in array 0 and address is           631652
      value in array 2 and address is           631660
      value in array 4 and address is           631668
      value in array 631676 and address is           631676
      value in array 42920 and address is           631684

Address of second element in array (value of arraypointer+1)

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 char multiple[] = "another string";
 printf("\nAddress of second element: %p", &multiple[1]);
 printf("\nValue of multiple+1      : %p\n", multiple+1);
 return 0;


Address of second element: 9a372
     Value of multiple+1      : 9a372

Arrays and pointers: get address of an array

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 char multiple[] = "My string";
 char *p = &multiple[0];
 printf("\nThe address of the first array element  : %p", p);
 p = multiple;
 printf("\nThe address obtained from the array name: %p\n", p);
 return 0;


The address of the first array element  : 9a372
     The address obtained from the array name: 9a372

Arrays and pointers: get array value through array pointer

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 char multiple[] = "a string";
 char *p = multiple;
 int i;
 for(i = 0 ; i<strlen(multiple) ; i++)
   printf("\nmultiple[%d] = %c  *(p+%d) = %c  &multiple[%d] = %p  p+%d = %p",
                      i, multiple[i], i, *(p+i), i, &multiple[i], i, p+i);
 return 0;


The address of the first array element  : 9a372
     The address obtained from the array name: 9a372

Deal with array pointer of long integer

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 long multiple[] = {15L, 25L, 35L, 45L};
 long * p = multiple;
 int i;
 for(i = 0 ; i<sizeof(multiple)/sizeof(multiple[0]) ; i++)
   printf("\naddress p+%d (&multiple[%d]): %d   *(p+%d) value: %d", i,i, p+i,i,*(p+i));
 printf("\n    Type long occupies: %d bytes\n", sizeof(long));
 return 0;


address p+0 (&multiple[0]): 631656   *(p+0) value: 15
     address p+1 (&multiple[1]): 631660   *(p+1) value: 25
     address p+2 (&multiple[2]): 631664   *(p+2) value: 35
     address p+3 (&multiple[3]): 631668   *(p+3) value: 45
         Type long occupies: 4 bytes

Move array pointer to the next element

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main(void) {

 char multiple[] = "another string";
 printf(" first element: %p\n", multiple);
 printf("second element: %p\n", multiple + 1);
 printf(" third element: %p\n", multiple + 2);
 return 0;


first element: 9a371
     second element: 9a372
      third element: 9a373

The name of an array is the same as &array[ 0 ]

<source lang="cpp">#include <stdio.h> int main() {

  char array[ 5 ]; 
  printf( "    array = %p\n&array[0] = %p\n"
     "   &array = %p\n",
     array, &array[ 0 ], &array );
  return 0; 


array = 9a37b
&array[0] = 9a37b
   &array = 9a37b