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strftime: format time and date into a string

<source lang="cpp">

//Declaration: size_t strftime(char *str, size_t maxsize, const char *fmt, const struct tm *time);

//Command Replaced By //%a: Abbreviated weekday name //%A: Full weekday name //%b: Abbreviated month name //%B: Full month name //%c: Standard date and time string //%C: Last two digits of year //%d: Day of month as a decimal (1-31) //%D: month/day/year (added by C99) //%e: Day of month as a decimal (1-31) in a two-character field (added by C99) //%F: year-month-day (added by C99) //%g: Last two digits of year using a week-based year (added by C99) //%G: The year using a week-based year (added by C99) //%h: Abbreviated month name (added by C99) //%H: Hour (0-23) //%I: Hour (1-12) //%j: Day of year as a decimal (1-366) //%m: Month as decimal (1-12) //%M: Minute as decimal (0-59) //%n: A newline (added by C99) //%p: Locale"s equivalent of AM or PM //%r: 12-hour time (added by C99) //%R: hh:mm (added by C99) //%S: Second as decimal (0-60) //%t: Horizontal tab (added by C99) //%T: hh:mm:ss (added by C99) //%u: Day of week; Monday is first day of week (0-53) (added by C99) //%U: Week of year, Sunday being first day (0-53) //%V: Week of year using a week-based year (added by C99) //%w: Weekday as a decimal (0-6, Sunday being 0) //%W: Week of year, Monday being first day (0-53) //%x: Standard date string //%X: Standard time string //%y: Year in decimal without century (0-99) //%Y: Year including century as decimal //%z: Offset from UTC (added by C99) //%Z: Time zone name //%%: The percent sign

 #include <time.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
 int main(void)
   struct tm *ptr;
   time_t lt;
   char str[80];
   lt = time(NULL);
   ptr = localtime(&lt);
   strftime(str, 100, "It is now %H %p.", ptr);
   return 0;

/* It is now 16 PM.*/
