C/Language Basics/Comments

Материал из C\C++ эксперт
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Comments in C

<source lang="cpp"> /* This is a single line comment */ /*

* This is a mult-line
* comment.

int main() {

   /* A procedure */
   int i;      /* Comment / code line */
   char charArray[10];
   strcpy(charArray, "abc");         /* String */
   strcpy(charArray, "a\"bc");       /* String with quotation */
   charArray[0] = "a";               /* Character */
   charArray[1] = "\"";              /* Character with escape */
   i = 3 / 2;                  /* Slash that"s not a commment, divide operator */
   i = 3;                      /* Normal number */
   i = 0x123ABC;               /* Hex number */
   i = ((1 + 2) *              /* Nested () */
        (3 + 4));
       int j;                  /* Nested {} */
   return (0);



One line comments

<source lang="cpp">

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <stdlib.h>

int avg(int a,int b) {

 return (a + b)/2;

} int main() {

   int i, j;
   int answer;
  /* comments are done like this */
  i = 7;
  j = 9;
  answer = avg(i,j);
  printf("The mean of %d and %d = %d\n", i, j, answer);
  exit (0);

