C/Data Type/Long
Choosing the correct type: long
/* Choosing the correct type: short */
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
const float per = 4.5f;
short a = 23500;
short b = 19300;
short c = 21600;
float revenue = 0.0f;
long total = a+b+c; /* Calculate quarterly total */
/* Output monthly sales and total for the quarter */
printf("\n a: %d\n b: %d\n c: %d",a,b,c);
printf("\n Total: %ld",total);
/* Calculate the total revenue and output it */
revenue = total/150*per;
printf("\nSales revenue is:$%.2f\n",revenue);
Convert long to short int
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
short int si;
long int li;
li = 100000;
si = li; /* convert long to short int */
printf("%hd", si);
return 0;
long value array
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
long longArray[] = {1L, 2L, 3L};
printf(" first element address: %p value: %d\n",
longArray, *longArray);
printf("second element address: %p value: %d\n", longArray + 1,
*(longArray + 1));
printf(" third element address: %p value: %d\n",longArray + 2,
*(longArray + 2));
printf(" type long occupies: %d bytes\n", sizeof(long));
Read long from keyboard
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
long feet = 0L; /* A whole number of feet */
printf("Enter long: ");
scanf("%ld", &feet);
printf("your input is %ld", feet);
Summing integers - compact version
#include <stdio.h>
void main()
long sum = 0L;
int count = 10; /* The number of integers to be summed */
int i = 0; /* The loop counter */
/* Sum integers from 1 to count */
for (i = 1 ; i<= count ; sum += i++ );
printf("\nTotal of the first %d numbers is %ld\n", count, sum);
Use nested if to analyze numbers
/* Use nested if to analyze numbers */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <limits.h> /* For LONG_MAX */
void main()
long test = 112L; /* Stores the integer to be checked */
printf("Enter an integer less than %ld:", LONG_MAX);
scanf(" %ld", &test);
if( test % 2L == 0L) {
printf("The number %ld is even", test);
if ( (test/2L) % 2L == 0L) {
printf("\nHalf of %ld is also even", test);
printf("\nThat"s interesting isn"t it?\n");
printf("The number %ld is odd\n", test);