C/Data Structure Algorithm/Tree

Материал из C\C++ эксперт
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Basics of a family tree

<source lang="cpp"> /* Beginning C, Third Edition

By Ivor Horton
ISBN: 1-59059-253-0
Published: Apr 2004
Publisher: apress
  • /
  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <ctype.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <string.h>

struct Family *get_person(void); /* Prototype for input function */ char related(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2); char set_ancestry(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2); struct Date {

 int day;
 int month;
 int year;

}; struct Family /* Family structure declaration */ {

 struct Date dob;
 char name[20];
 char father[20];
 char mother[20];
 struct Family *next;            /* Pointer to next structure      */
 struct Family *previous;        /* Pointer to previous structure  */
 struct Family *p_to_pa;         /* Pointer to father structure   */
 struct Family *p_to_ma;         /* Pointer to mother structure   */

}; void main() {

  struct Family *first = NULL;    /* Pointer to first person        */
  struct Family *current = NULL;  /* Pointer to current person      */
  struct Family *last = NULL;     /* Pointer to previous person     */
  char more = "\0";               /* Test value for ending input    */
  for( ; ; )
    printf("\nDo you want to enter details of a%s person (Y or N)? ", 
                                       first != NULL?"nother " : "" );
    scanf(" %c", &more);
    if(tolower(more) == "n") 
    current = get_person();
    if(first == NULL)
      first = current;            /* Set pointer to first Family    */
      last = current;             /* Remember for next iteration    */
      last->next = current;  /* Set next address for previous Family */  
      current->previous = last; /* Set previous address for current */
      last = current;           /* Remember for next iteration */             
  current = first;
  while(current->next != NULL)  /* Check for relation for each person in    */
  {                       /* the list up to second to last            */
    int parents = 0;      /* Declare parent count local to this block */
    last = current->next; /* Get the pointer to the next              */
    while(last != NULL)   /* This loop tests current person           */
    {                     /* against all the remainder in the list    */
      if(related(current, last))         /* Found a parent ?          */
        if(++parents == 2)   /* Yes, update count and check it        */
          break;             /* Exit inner loop if both parents found */
      last = last->next;     /* Get the address of the next           */
    current = current->next;   /* Next in the list to check             */
  /* Now tell them what we know */
  /* Output Family data in correct order */
  current = first;
  while (current != NULL)  /* Output Family data in correct order  */
    printf("\n%s was born %d/%d/%d, and has %s and %s as parents.",
                 current->name, current->dob.day, current->dob.month,
              current->dob. year, current->father,  current->mother);
    if(current->p_to_pa != NULL )
      printf("\n\t%s"s birth date is %d/%d/%d  ",
               current->father, current->p_to_pa->dob.day,
    if(current->p_to_ma != NULL)
      printf("and %s"s birth date is %d/%d/%d.\n  ",
               current->mother, current->p_to_ma->dob.day,
    current = current->next;  /* current points to next in list       */
  /* Now free the memory */  
  current = first;
  while(current->next != NULL)
    last = current;     /* Save pointer to enable memory to be freed */
    current = current->next; /* current points to next in list       */
    free(last);         /* Free memory for last                      */

} /* Function to input data on Family members */ struct Family *get_person(void) {

  struct Family *temp;         /* Define temporary structure pointer */
  /* Allocate memory for a structure */
  temp = (struct Family*) malloc(sizeof(struct Family));
  printf("\nEnter the name of the person: ");
  scanf("%s", temp -> name );         /* Read the Family"s name */
  printf("\nEnter %s"s date of birth (day month year); ", temp->name);
  scanf("%d %d %d", &temp->dob.day, &temp->dob.month, &temp->dob.year);
  printf("\nWho is %s"s father? ", temp->name );
  scanf("%s", temp->father );        /* Get the father"s name */

  printf("\nWho is %s"s mother? ", temp -> name );
  scanf("%s", temp -> mother );      /* Get the mother"s name */

  temp->next = temp->previous = NULL; /* Set pointers to NULL */
  temp->p_to_pa = temp->p_to_ma = NULL;    /* Set pointers to NULL  */
  return temp;          /* Return address of Family structure */

} char set_ancestry(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2) {

  if(strcmp(pmember1->father, pmember2->name) == 0)
    pmember1->p_to_pa = pmember2;
    return 1;
  if( strcmp(pmember1->mother, pmember2->name) == 0)
    pmember1->p_to_ma = pmember2;
    return 1;
    return 0;

} /* Fill in pointers for mother or father relationships */ char related (struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2) {

  return set_ancestry(pmember1, pmember2) ||
                          set_ancestry(pmember2, pmember1);



Basics of a family tree 2

<source lang="cpp">

  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <ctype.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>

struct Cat *getCat(void); struct Date {

  int day;
  int month;
  int year;

}; struct Cat {

  struct Date dob;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];
  struct Cat *next;
  struct Cat *previous;

}; int main() {

  struct Cat *first = NULL;
  struct Cat *current = NULL;
  struct Cat *last = NULL;
  char more = "\0";
  int i =0;
  for(i =0;i<5 ;i++ )
    current = getCat();
    if(first == NULL){
      first = current;
      last = current;
    }else {
      last->next = current;
      current->previous = last;
      last = current;
  while (current  != NULL)
    printf("\n%s was born %d/%d/%d, and has %s and %s as parents.",
             current->name, current->dob.day, current->dob.month,
             current->dob. year, current->father,  current->mother );
    last = current;     /* Save pointer to enable memory to be freed */
    current = current->previous;  /* current points to previous list */

} struct Cat *getCat(void) {

  struct Cat *temp;
  temp = (struct Cat*) malloc(sizeof(struct Cat));
  printf("\nEnter the name of the person: ");
  scanf("%s", temp -> name );
  printf("\nEnter %s"s date of birth (day month year); ", temp->name);
  scanf("%d %d %d", &temp->dob.day, &temp->dob.month, &temp->dob.year);
  printf("\nWho is %s"s father? ", temp->name );
  scanf("%s", temp->father );
  printf("\nWho is %s"s mother? ", temp -> name );
  scanf("%s", temp -> mother );
  temp->next = temp->previous = NULL;
  return temp;



Displays a binary tree

<source lang="cpp"> /* C: The Complete Reference, 4th Ed. (Paperback) by Herbert Schildt ISBN: 0072121246 Publisher: McGraw-Hill Osborne Media; 4 edition (April 26, 2000)

  • /

/* This program displays a binary tree. */

  1. include <stdlib.h>
  2. include <stdio.h>

struct tree {

 char info;
 struct tree *left;
 struct tree *right;

}; struct tree *root; /* first node in tree */ struct tree *stree(struct tree *root,

                  struct tree *r, char info);

void print_tree(struct tree *root, int l); int main(void) {

 char s[80];
 root = NULL;  /* initialize the root */
 do {
   printf("Enter a letter: ");
   root = stree(root, root, *s);
 } while(*s);
 print_tree(root, 0);
 return 0;

} struct tree *stree(

 struct tree *root,
 struct tree *r,
 char info)


 if(!r) {
   r = (struct tree *) malloc(sizeof(struct tree));
   if(!r) {
     printf("Out of Memory\n");
   r->left = NULL;
   r->right = NULL;
   r->info = info;
   if(!root) return r; /* first entry */
   if(info < root->info) root->left = r;
   else root->right = r;
   return r;
 if(info < r->info)
   stree(r, r->left, info);
   stree(r, r->right, info);
 return root;

} void print_tree(struct tree *r, int l) {

 int i;
 if(!r) return;
 print_tree(r->right, l+1);
 for(i=0; i<l; ++i) printf(" ");
 printf("%c\n", r->info);
 print_tree(r->left, l+1);



Investigating the family

<source lang="cpp"> /* Beginning C, Third Edition

By Ivor Horton
ISBN: 1-59059-253-0
Published: Apr 2004
Publisher: apress
  • /
  1. include <stdio.h>
  2. include <ctype.h>
  3. include <stdlib.h>
  4. include <string.h>

char myfile[] = "C:\\myfile.bin"; /* Physical file name */ FILE *pfile = NULL; /* File pointer */ struct Date /* Structure for a date */ {

  int day;
  int month;
  int year;

}; typedef struct family /* Family structure declaration */ {

  struct Date dob;
  char name[20];
  char pa_name[20];
  char ma_name[20];

}Family; /* Function prototypes */ int get_person(Family *pfamily); /* Input function */ void show_person_data(void); /* Output function */ void get_parent_dob(Family *pfamily); /* Function to find pa & ma */ void main() {

  Family member;                      /* Stores a family structure */
  Family *pmember = &member;     /* Points to the family structure */
  if((pfile = fopen(myfile, "wb")) == NULL)
    printf("\nUnable to open %s for writing.\n", myfile);
  while(get_person(pmember))           /* As long as we have input */
    fwrite(pmember, sizeof member, 1, pfile);  /*    write it away */
  fclose(pfile);                 /* Close the file now its written */
  show_person_data();            /* Show what we can find out      */
    printf("\nUnable to delete %s.\n", myfile);
    printf("\nDeleted %s OK.\n", myfile);

} /* Function to input data on Family members */ int get_person( Family *temp) {

  static char more = "\0";    /* Test value for ending input */
  printf("\nDo you want to enter details of a%s person (Y or N)? ",
                                      more != "\0"?"nother " : "" );
  scanf(" %c", &more);
  if(tolower(more) == "n") 
         return 0;
  printf("\nEnter the name of the person: ");
  scanf("%s", temp->name);         /* Read the Family"s name */
  printf("\nEnter %s"s date of birth (day month year); ", temp->name);
  scanf("%d %d %d", &temp->dob.day, &temp->dob.month, &temp->dob.year);
  printf("\nWho is %s"s father? ", temp->name);
  scanf("%s", temp->pa_name);      /* Get the father"s name  */
  printf("\nWho is %s"s mother? ", temp->name);
  scanf("%s", temp->ma_name);      /* Get the mother"s name  */
  return 1;

} /* Function to output data on people on file */ void show_person_data(void) {

  Family member;             /* Structure to hold data from file  */
  Family *pmember = &member; /* Pointer to Family structure       */
  fpos_t current = 0;        /* File position                     */
  pfile = fopen(myfile, "rb"); /* Open file for binary read  */
  /* Read data on person */
  while(fread(pmember, sizeof member, 1, pfile))   
    fgetpos(pfile, &current);  /* Save current position      */
    printf("\n\n%s"s father is %s, and mother is %s.",
             pmember->name, pmember->pa_name, pmember->ma_name);
    get_parent_dob(pmember);   /* Get parent data            */
    fsetpos(pfile, &current);  /* Position file to read next */
   fclose(pfile);              /* Close the file             */

} /* Function to find parents" dates of birth. */ void get_parent_dob(Family *pmember) {

  Family testmem;             /* Stores a relative         */
  Family *ptestmem = &testmem; /* Pointer to the relative   */
  int num_found = 0;           /* Count of relatives found  */
  rewind(pfile);               /* Set file to the beginning */
  /* Get the stuff on a relative */
  while(fread(ptestmem, sizeof(Family), 1, pfile))
    if(strcmp(pmember->pa_name, ptestmem->name) == 0)   /*Is it pa? */
    { /* We have found dear old dad */
      printf("\n Pa was born on %d/%d/%d.",
            ptestmem->dob.day, ptestmem->dob.month, ptestmem->dob.year);  

      if(++num_found == 2)    /* Increment parent count    */
        return;               /* We got both so go home    */
      if(strcmp(pmember->ma_name, ptestmem->name) == 0) /*Is it ma? */
      { /* We have found dear old ma */
        printf("\n Ma was born on %d/%d/%d.",
               ptestmem->dob.day, ptestmem->dob.month, ptestmem->dob.year);
        if(++num_found == 2)  /* Increment parent count    */
            return;           /* We got both so go home    */

