C++/Overload/Unary Operator

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Overload a unary operator.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class MyClass {
  int x, y, z; 
  MyClass() { 
     x = y = z = 0; 
  MyClass(int i, int j, int k) {
     x = i; 
     y = j; 
     z = k; 
  MyClass operator+(MyClass op2); 
  MyClass operator=(MyClass op2); 
  MyClass operator++();           
  void show() ;
} ;
MyClass MyClass::operator+(MyClass op2)
  MyClass temp;
  temp.x = x + op2.x; 
  temp.y = y + op2.y; 
  temp.z = z + op2.z; 
  return temp;
MyClass MyClass::operator=(MyClass op2)
  x = op2.x; // These are integer assignments
  y = op2.y; // and the = retains its original
  z = op2.z; // meaning relative to them.
  return *this;
MyClass MyClass::operator++()
  x++; // increment x, y, and z 
  return *this;
void MyClass::show()
  cout << x << ", ";
  cout << y << ", ";
  cout << z << endl;
int main()
  MyClass a(1, 2, 3), b(10, 10, 10), c;
  c = a + b;     
  c = a + b + c; 
  c = b = a;     
  return 0;

Use a member function to overload the unary -.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
class three_d {
  int x, y, z;
  three_d() { x = y = z = 0; }
  three_d(int i, int j, int k) { x = i; y = j; z = k; }
  three_d operator+(three_d rh_op);
  three_d operator+(int rh_op);
  three_d operator-(three_d rh_op);
  three_d operator=(three_d rh_op);
  bool operator==(three_d rh_op);
  three_d operator-();
  friend ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm, three_d op);
  friend three_d operator+(int lh_op, three_d rh_op);
three_d three_d::operator+(three_d rh_op)
  three_d temp;
  temp.x = x + rh_op.x;
  temp.y = y + rh_op.y;
  temp.z = z + rh_op.z;
  return temp;
three_d three_d::operator+(int rh_op)
  three_d temp;
  temp.x = x + rh_op;
  temp.y = y + rh_op;
  temp.z = z + rh_op;
  return temp;
three_d three_d::operator-(three_d rh_op)
  three_d temp;
  temp.x = x - rh_op.x;
  temp.y = y - rh_op.y;
  temp.z = z - rh_op.z;
  return temp;
three_d three_d::operator-()
  three_d temp;
  temp.x = -x;
  temp.y = -y;
  temp.z = -z;
  return temp;
three_d three_d::operator=(three_d rh_op)
  x = rh_op.x;
  y = rh_op.y;
  z = rh_op.z;
  return *this;
bool three_d::operator==(three_d rh_op)
  if( (x == rh_op.x) && (y == rh_op.y) && (z == rh_op.z) )
    return true;
  return false;
ostream &operator<<(ostream &strm, three_d op) {
  strm << op.x << ", " << op.y << ", " << op.z << endl;
  return strm;
three_d operator+(int lh_op, three_d rh_op) {
  three_d temp;
  temp.x = lh_op + rh_op.x;
  temp.y = lh_op + rh_op.y;
  temp.z = lh_op + rh_op.z;
  return temp;
int main()
  three_d objA(1, 2, 3), objB(10, 10, 10), objC;
  cout << "This is objA: " << objA;
  cout << "This is objB: " << objB;
  objC = -objA;
  cout << "This is -objA: " << objC;
  objC = objA + objB;
  cout << "objA + objB: " << objC;
  objC = objA - objB;
  cout << "objA - objB: " << objC;
  objC = objA + 10;
  cout << "objA + 10: " << objC;
  objC = 100 + objA;
  cout << "100 + objA: " << objC;
  if(objA == objB) 
     cout << "objA is equal to objB.\n";
     cout << "objA is not equal to objB.\n";
  return 0;