
Материал из C\C++ эксперт
Перейти к: навигация, поиск

construct a table of circular areas

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <locale>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main()
  locale usloc("English_US");
  ostringstream ostr;
  // Give a new, empty string to ostr.
  // construct a table of circular areas.
  ostr << setprecision(4) << showpoint << fixed << left;
  ostr << "Diameter    Area\n";
  cout << "A table of circular areas.\n";
  for(int i=1; i < 10; ++i)
    ostr << left << "   " << setw(6) << i << setw(8) << right << i*3.1416 << endl;
  cout << ostr.str();
  return 0;

Display the contents of strin via calls to get()

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  char ch;
  ostringstream strout;
  strout << 10 << " " << -20 << " " << 30.2 << "\n";
  strout << "This is a test.";
  cout << strout.str() << endl;
  strout << "\nThis is some more output.\n";
  cout << "Use an input string stream called strin.\n";
  // use the contents of strout to create strin:
  istringstream strin(strout.str());
  // Display the contents of strin via calls to get().
  cout << "Here are the current contents of strin via get():\n";
  do {
    ch = strin.get();
    if(!strin.eof()) cout << ch;
  } while(!strin.eof());

Freeze dynamic buffer and return pointer to it

#include <strstream>    
#include <iostream>   
using namespace std;
  char *p;   
  ostrstream outs;  
  outs << "I like C++ ";   
  outs << 100 << ends;   
  p = outs.str();
  cout << p;   
  delete p;  
  return 0;   

use the contents of strout to create strin

#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
using namespace std;
int main()
  char ch;
  ostringstream strout;
  strout << 10 << " " << -20 << " " << 30.2 << "\n";
  strout << "This is a test.";
  cout << strout.str() << endl;
  strout << "\nThis is some more output.\n";
  istringstream strin(strout.str());
  do {
    ch = strin.get();
    if(!strin.eof()) cout << ch;
  } while(!strin.eof());
  cout << endl;