C++ Tutorial/Function/function overload

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Create overloaded print() and println() functions that display various types of data

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std;

void println(bool b); void println(int i); void println(long i); void println(char ch); void println(char *str); void println(double d);

void print(bool b); void print(int i); void print(long i); void print(char ch); void print(char *str); void print(double d);

int main() {


 print(" "); 
 print(" "); 
 print(" "); 

 println(" Done!"); 

 return 0; 


void println(bool b) {

   cout << "true\n"; 
   cout << "false\n"; 


void println(int i) {

 cout << i << "\n"; 


void println(long i) {

 cout << i << "\n"; 


void println(char ch) {

 cout << ch << "\n"; 


void println(char *str) {

 cout << str << "\n"; 


void println(double d) {

 cout << d << "\n"; 


void print(bool b) {

    cout << "true"; 
    cout << "false"; 


void print(int i) {

 cout << i; 


void print(long i) {

 cout << i; 


void print(char ch) {

 cout << ch; 


void print(char *str) {

 cout << str; 


void print(double d) {

 cout << d; 


stringfalse 8 100 1.01 Done!

Default Arguments vs. Overloading

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream>

  1. include <cstring>

using namespace std;

void mystrcat(char *s1, char *s2, int len = -1);

int main() {

 char str1[80] = "This is a test";
 char str2[80] = "0123456789";
 mystrcat(str1, str2, 5); // concatenate 5 chars
 cout << str1 << "\n";
 strcpy(str1, "This is a test"); // reset str1
 mystrcat(str1, str2); // concatenate entire string
 cout << str1 << "\n";
 return 0;


// A custom version of strcat(). void mystrcat(char *s1, char *s2, int len) {

 // find end of s1
 while(*s1) s1++;
 if(len == -1) len = strlen(s2);
 while(*s2 && len) {
   *s1 = *s2; // copy chars

 *s1 = "\0"; // null terminate s1


Finding the Address of an Overloaded Function

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int myfunc(int a); int myfunc(int a, int b);

int main() {

 int (*fp)(int a); // pointer to int f(int)
 fp = myfunc; // points to myfunc(int)
 cout << fp(5);
 return 0;


int myfunc(int a) {

 return a;


int myfunc(int a, int b) {

 return a*b;


Overload a function three times.

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std;

void f(int i); void f(int i, int j); void f(double k);

int main() {

 f(10);     // call f(int) 

 f(10, 20); // call f(int, int) 

 f(12.23);  // call f(double) 

 return 0; 


void f(int i) {

 cout << "In f(int), i is " << i << "\n"; 


void f(int i, int j) {

 cout << "In f(int, int), i is " << i; 
 cout << ", j is " << j << "\n"; 


void f(double k) {

 cout << "In f(double), k is " << k << "\n"; 


In f(int), i is 10
In f(int, int), i is 10, j is 20
In f(double), k is 12.23

Overload function by parameter type: int, double and long

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int neg(int n); // neg() for int. double neg(double n); // neg() for double. long neg(long n); // neg() for long.

int main() {

 cout << "neg(-10): " << neg(-10) << "\n"; 
 cout << "neg(9L): " << neg(9L) << "\n"; 
 cout << "neg(11.23): " << neg(11.23) << "\n"; 
 return 0;  


// neg()for int. int neg(int n) {

 return -n; 


// neg()for double. double neg(double n) {

 return -n; 


// neg()for long. long neg(long n) {

 return -n; 


neg(-10): 10
neg(9L): -9
neg(11.23): -11.23

Overload functions with two parameters

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std;

int min(int a, int b); // min() for ints char min(char a, char b); // min() for chars int * min(int *a, int *b); // min() for int pointers

int main() {

 int i=10, j=22; 

 cout << "min("X", "a"): " << min("X", "a") << "\n"; 
 cout << "min(9, 3): " << min(9, 3) << "\n"; 
 cout << "*min(&i, &j): " << *min(&i, &i) << "\n"; 
 return 0;  


// min() for ints. Return the smallest value. int min(int a, int b) {

 if(a < b) return a; 
 else return b; 


// min() for chars -- ignore case. char min(char a, char b) {

 if(tolower(a) < tolower(b)) return a; 
 else return b; 



  min() for int pointers.  
  Compare values and return pointer to smallest value. 
  • /

int * min(int *a, int *b) {

 if(*a < *b) return a; 
 else return b; 


min("X", "a"): a
min(9, 3): 3
*min(&i, &j): 10

Overload function with array type

<source lang="cpp">#include<iostream.h>

  1. include<iomanip.h>

int findmax(int intArray[]); float findmax(float floatArray[]); double findmax(double doubleArray[]); int findmin(int intArray[]); float findmin(float floatArray[]); double findmin(double doubleArray[]); main() {

 int intArray[10]={1,8,4,2,3,0,9,3,5,7};
 float floatArray[10]={145.15,312.3,3163.2,119.13,710.1,315.4,511.2,513.7,319.4,519.2};
 double doubleArray[10]={15.12354323,2.41237763,63.29123876,19.67123863,
 cout<<"largest value in the intArray is "<<(findmax(intArray))<<"\n";
 cout<<"largest value in the floatArray is "<<(findmax(floatArray))<<"\n";
 cout<<"largest value in the doubleArray is "<<(findmax(doubleArray))<<"\n";
 cout<<"smallest value in the intArray is "<<(findmin(intArray))<<"\n";
 cout<<"smallest value in the floatArray is "<<(findmin(floatArray))<<"\n";
 cout<<"smallest value in the doubleArray is "<<(findmin(doubleArray))<<"\n";
 return 0;

} int findmax(int intArray[]) {

  int max=0;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return max;

} float findmax(float floatArray[]) {

  float max=0;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return max;

} double findmax(double doubleArray[]) {

  double max=0;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return max;

} int findmin(int intArray[]) {

  int min=999;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return min;

} float findmin(float floatArray[]) {

  float min=9999.9;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return min;

} double findmin(double doubleArray[]) {

  double min=9999.9;
  for(int i=0;i<10;i++)
  return min;


largest value in the intArray is 9
largest value in the floatArray is 3163.2
largest value in the doubleArray is 78.3412
smallest value in the intArray is 0
smallest value in the floatArray is 119.13
smallest value in the doubleArray is 2.41238

Overloading a function with const reference parameters

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using std::cout; using std::endl; double larger(double a, double b); long larger(const long& a, const long& b); int main() {

 double a_double = 1.5, b_double = 2.5;
 cout << larger(a_double, b_double) << endl;

 int a_int = 15, b_int = 25;
 cout << larger(static_cast<long>(a_int), static_cast<long>(b_int))<< endl;
 return 0;

} double larger(double a, double b) {

 cout << "double larger() called" << endl;
 return a>b ? a : b;

} long larger(const long& a, const long& b) {

 cout << "long ref larger() called" << endl;
 return a>b ? a : b;


double larger() called
long ref larger() called

Overloading a function with reference parameters

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream>

  1. include <iomanip>

using namespace std; double larger(double a, double b); long& larger(long& a, long& b);

int main() {

 cout << larger(1.5, 2.5) << endl;

 cout << larger(static_cast<long>(12), static_cast<long>(13))
      << endl;
 return 0;

} double larger(double a, double b) {

 cout << " double version. ";
 return a>b ? a : b;

} long& larger(long& a, long& b) {

 cout << " long ref version. ";
 return a>b ? a : b;


double version. 2.5
 double version. 13

Overloading functions with difference in number of parameters

<source lang="cpp">#include <iostream> using namespace std; int myfunc(int i); // int myfunc(int i, int j); int main() {

 cout << myfunc(10) << " "; // calls myfunc(int i)
 cout << myfunc(4, 5); // calls myfunc(int i, int j)
 return 0;

} int myfunc(int i) {

 return i;

} int myfunc(int i, int j) {

 return i*j;


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